


      Message from the creators of mixologie...

      "When we created Mix•o•logie, we didn’t want to just “make scents.” We wanted to make sense of what we (as girls, women, or just as people) feel internally, of our relationship with the world and each other, and of our identities. That’s why each of Mix•o•logie’s ten fragrances is beautifully and mindfully blended to express who you are when you are."

      As a gift to yourself or a gift to someone else, Mix•o•logie is intended to be experienced (and to empower) over and over again—not just when you open the box for the first time. More than just great smelling products, Mix•o•logie is an exercise and a celebration of experimentation, individuality, and evolution.


      To use Mix•o•logie scents, simply apply a “splash” of the rollerball to your forearm, wrist, or neck and layer away. One “splash” is one complete, curvaceous, and nickel-sized “o.” Mixing inspiration can come from anywhere, but these are some of our favorite places to find it.

      8 products

      8 products